Project Transform – phased implementation schedule

June 14th, 2016

The UEB-approved schedule for the phased implementation of the University’s new student administration system, Campus Solutions, is now available.

Following the decision to phase, colleagues in IS, Student Services, External Relations, Finance, SPP, LRLR and Project Transform have developed the schedule, below which allows us to implement our new student administration system while offering colleagues across all locations the support they need to transition to this new way of working. It also allows the UK team to focus on delivering an excellent experience to our new and returning students this September.

August 2016

  • Harmonisation of processes and student experience through launch of Student Service Centres in the UK
  • Admissions team use Campus Solutions for the confirmation and clearing process

September 2016

  • Students use Service Centres for start-of-term administration processes for the first time
  • Launch of interim MyNottingham style student interface to support online registration and provide information (not transactions), this will include Blue Castle (results/modules/Evaluate)
  • Dedicated welfare support available in every UK Faculty
  • Individual timetables available for all students based at the UK campus
  • Student case management
  • Dedicated enquiries hotline and team for current students

December 2016 – January 2017

  • Full Go Live 3 (GL3) launched for University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC), with interim Programme Enrolment system
  • Admissions functionality launched at University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC)

February – April 2017

  • Populate Campus Solutions with University of Nottingham UK data on a read-only basis, updated monthly
  • Release Programme Enrolment for University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus
  • Complete GL3 for University of Nottingham Ningbo China
  • Implement light online module enrolment in Campus Solutions for 2017/18 for University of Nottingham UK returning students
  • Admissions implementation for University of Nottingham UK (GL3) for all applicants (except UTT) and implement associated processes for those applicants, eg visa processing

July – August 2017

  • Launch remaining elements of GL3 for University of Nottingham UK
  • Implementation complete across all campuses

The proposed phasing is based on information currently available and assumes the system will be ready in October 2016. It offers the benefits of a single campus implementation first, from which lessons can be learned and stabilisation achieved. Colleagues are now working up detailed plans to enable delivery – these will be shared when ready.

For more information on the changes taking place over the next year, visit the Project Transform blog and Workspace.

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June 15th, 2016 at 9:24 am

Ally Heery

Given the importance of this information about phasing, I am a little surprised it hasn’t been disseminated in the form of an email notification to Transform Leaders and Heads of School etc. I have only been alerted to this blog via a colleague who found it.

In addition when you say: ‘Individual timetables available for all UK students’, I presume you mean all students based at the UK campus rather than just UK students?

Will these individual timetables include seminars as well as their main lectures?

June 15th, 2016 at 9:40 am

Mike Jennings

Hi Ally, thank you for your comment. This message will be included in the Transform Leaders’ Network newsletter and Campus Update all-staff email today, so will be shared with all staff. And yes, this does refer to students based at the UK campus – we’ve updated the text.

Best wishes,

June 15th, 2016 at 6:21 pm

Liz Harvey

It would be really helpful if this update could be followed up with more detailed information addressing the questions frequently raised by academics. One such question is how is the phased implementation going to work in terms of ensuring adequate support for assessment procedures in Schools and Departments in the shorter and longer term?

June 16th, 2016 at 12:19 pm

Mike Jennings

Hi Liz, thank you for your comment. Concerns about particular activities, such as support for assessment processes, have been raised through the development of the Faculty/School transition plans. These plans are being developed by Student Services and colleagues in Faculties/Schools to ensure that a consistent service is delivered to staff and students during the phasing process. Actions and mitigations are being put in place to address any concerns raised.

More detailed work is currently being carried out on support mechanisms both for the immediate period and throughout the coming academic year, and this will be shared with colleagues.

June 16th, 2016 at 12:08 pm

Cécile Lancashire

How can news of such importance to staff and students be published in this newsletter – this newsletter is about events/campus changes etc….
This is NOT appropriate on the newsletter!!
We were explicitly told that there would be not IT changes for students for maybe up to a year –
A large cohort of students from our School (over 300) have now gone abroad and been misinformed regarding their registration process – this is unbelievable!!

June 16th, 2016 at 2:47 pm

Mike Jennings

Hi Cécile

Thanks for your comment. We’ll feed this back to the comms team and consider this in deciding appropriate channels for future messaging.

Students will not register in a different way to previous years. We are looking at ways to more clearly sign post where students will go to carry out administration tasks.

June 16th, 2016 at 12:18 pm

Sarah Wilson

If the interim MyNottingham is “to support online registration” why is it being rolled out in September rather than August? The registration date given by ASD last week was August 8th, we were also told it would be through the portal. Does this mean that for August students will use the portal and in September that will change? Or will students not register until later? Or will the interim be rolled out earlier?

June 16th, 2016 at 4:36 pm

Mike Jennings

The way that students register will not change this year. The interim platform would signpost the registration system, along with other systems which allow students to carry out administration processes online.

The interim platform is currently in development and we will communicate more detail once it’s confirmed.

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