Professor Christine Ennew goes bald for cancer awareness

November 18th, 2015

Professor Christine Ennew, CEO and Provost of The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC), has shaved her head in the name of cancer awareness.

Prof Ennew pledged to to go bald if RM 20,000 was raised as part of the Jom Botak campaign organised by Ace Society of UNMC and MAKNA, and carried out this promise on Tuesday 17 November in the Student Association Circle after the target was reached.

Prof Ennew said, “Our students have been fundraising to help MAKNA enhance treatment and support for cancer suffers from disadvantaged backgrounds giving them the best possible chance to fight this devastating disease. They have worked tremendously hard and I wanted to offer them my support in the best way I could. It’s a small price to pay to be able to raise so much to support this important cause.”

The “Jom Botak” campaign is running for the fourth year in UNMC to raise funds, to increase awareness and to show support to cancer patients throughout Malaysia. This year the campaign ran from 28 October to 5 November.

“We have raised over RM 20,000 with money continuing to come in, and on November 5 we were thrilled to get our CEO on board towards this pledge,” said He Manli, the Organising Chairperson of Jom Botak and second year international business management student at UNMC.

Professor Christine Ennew with (from left to right) UNMC Student Association President, Muhammadh Aqeel Shums Deen and Afrah Ismail, SA Vice President.

Professor Christine Ennew with (from left to right) UNMC Student Association President, Muhammadh Aqeel Shums Deen and Afrah Ismail, SA Vice President.

Several staff members and students also got their heads shaved as part of this campaign while others donated towards the individual pledges.

Dr Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz, who went bald and is also growing a beard in conjunction with Movember, said: “I was very pleased to participate in this initiative by MAKNA and UNMC’s student association. In Malaysia there is a risk that 15 percent of people would suffer from cancer before the age of 75. Early cancer diagnosis saves many lives. For this reason, awareness and campaigns like Jom Botak are very important.”

After having her head shaved, Prof Ennew said: “At the University we are hugely supportive of initiatives which are student led and bring benefits to our broader community, so losing hair, which will soon grow is something is really not too difficult to do.” Professor Ennew received the cheers and support by the many students and staff who gathered to witness the bold show of support towards those affected by cancer.

The Jom Botak campaign involved a “Go Bald Auction” which was opened for members of staff and students at UNMC. Jom Botak simply means to go bald, an initiative by MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional) to get involved in the fight against cancer. The participants were required to be included in an auction list with a pre determined price tag. When the said auction amount had been reached, the participant shaved his or her head.

You can donate online until Monday 30 November.

In other news, Professor Ennew recently announced that she would be leaving The University of Nottingham to take up the post of Provost at Warwick University – read our article for the full story.

Top image: Student Associations Executives with Professor Christine Ennew.

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