Professional Development Course for external examiners

March 17th, 2021

The university, in collaboration with Advance HE have engaged in a national endeavour to provide professional development for external examiners.

The professional development course (PDC) was developed by Advance HE in partnership with Office for Students as part of the degree standards project on external examining.

The aim of the course is to enable aspiring, new or experienced examiners to:

  • Understand the role of the external examiner as articulated in the UK Quality Code for Higher education and be confident to undertake it.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the nature of academic standards and professional judgement, and explore the implications for external examining.
  • Use evidence informed approaches to contribute to impartial, transparent judgements on academic standards and the enhancement of student learning

The course is delivered by two online sessions with some prior online activities and reading time to reflect between the two sessions.

Please cascade the dates, times and information below to your teams. The sessions are of relevance to all those engaged in or aspiring to be engaged in external examining.

A limit of 30 places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. The deadline for registration is 5th April 2021.

Course Details

Day One, 7th April 2021, 9:15 – 13:00  Teams Link

Day Two, 8th April 2021, 9:15 – 13:00 Teams Link

The course is comprised of two parts:

  • Part One: Online activities and reading, which normally take 3-5 hours to complete (Advance HE’s Virtual Learning Environment)
  • Part Two: Two synchronous webinars over two half-day (via Teams)

You should book via Dante onto the following course: Professional Development Course for External Examiners

On completion of the two sessions, you will be added to the Advance HE’s list of those who have completed the external examiner professional development course.

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