Preparing for Digital Core project implementation

March 29th, 2022

The Digital Core project team have commenced work to gain a more detailed understanding of current systems, processes and data that will be affected by the introduction of a new HR, Finance and Procurement software solution. They will also start preparing colleagues for the changes that the new solution will bring.

We can look forward to the Digital Core project bringing a standardised and improved way in which we all engage with HR, Finance and Procurement services, through a new underlying Oracle software solution. Currently there are multiple, inconsistent processes and many outdated systems that do not integrate well. Pending Council approval, Evosys has been selected as the implementation partner that will deliver the new software solution.

Work has commenced in various areas to allow the project team to gain detailed insight into our current ways of working and to start early engagement with key stakeholders:

  • You will soon be able to register your interest to volunteer as a Digital Core Change Champion for your department. A network of Change Champions from across the university will work with the project team to learn about the new software solution, help shape the rollout of it and prepare the university for the changes that the rollout will bring. This exciting opportunity will allow you to learn new skills, improve your development, feed into your ADC, meet new colleagues and support your teams as they start using the new solution. Further information about this opportunity will be shared with you soon.
  • The project team will start to reach out to owners of the 42 systems that are in-scope for being replaced through Digital Core to better understand the implications and impact involved. Input and guidance will be sought from system owners throughout the implementation of the new solution.
  • Similarly, the project team will be approaching the owners of approximately 125 identified systems that will require data feeds running from/to the new software solution (integrations). This will allow the team to gain a better understanding of the data flow requirements for the new system.
  • Analysis work has commenced on our existing data. The project team are assessing the quality of our data and will ensure they can identify and define the single true source of data that should be used in the new system.
  • A workstream has also commenced to map our organisational structure (hierarchy). This will be essential for the new system to ensure we can build HR, Finance and Procurement processes and approvals based on our hierarchy design.

The project team will be working collaboratively with relevant colleagues to gain a better understanding of the detail within each workstream. If you are approached for the expertise that you have in a specific area, your input and support will be greatly appreciated as it will be paramount to the success of this implementation. You will also help us be better prepared when we start working with our implementation partner, which is expected to be in June.

For further information, please view the Digital Core SharePoint site or email

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