Positions available with the Sustainability Research Network

January 28th, 2016

Are you interested in sustainability? Do you want to gain valuable experience and transferable skills? Do you want to collaborate and engage with people from other schools across the University and expand your professional network?

The Sustainabilty Research Network (SRN) is an informal research network of students and staff at The University of Nottingham interested in sustainability, with a track record of dynamic, well-attended interdisciplinary events…

SRN is growing and restructuring and they need your help!

Make a difference and get involved by going to their meeting at 4pm, Tuesday 2 February, B7 (Conference suite), The Hemsley, University Park to learn more about these opportunities.

Develop your research network and gain or expand experience in:

  • interdisciplinary collaboration
  • increasing research outreach & impact
  • financial management, grant capture, funding opportunities
  • project management
  • social media & communications
  • international/multi-campus liaison

The SRN look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions, email SRN@nottingham.ac.uk

For more information about the SRN, visit their blog or find them on Facebook and Twitter.

Image: Gabriela Gutierrez Huerter

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One Comment

February 2nd, 2016 at 2:14 pm

Paul Nathanail

I am interested in sustainable remediation and sustainable urban land management.
I chair an ISO working group that has developed the first international standard on sustainable remediation – due out later this year.
I have also worked on CEN projects on circular land use and sustainable urban land management.
Happy to work with others…

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