Please sign research funding e-petition, say Nottingham’s brain tumour experts

November 4th, 2015

Experts at the University are backing an online petition calling for an increase in funding for research into brain tumours, with the hope of seeing the issue discussed by MPs.

Professors David Walker and Richard Grundy, Co-Directors of the University’s Children’s Brain Tumour Research Centre (CBTRC) are calling for people sign the e-petition which has been launched via the UK Government and Parliament’s Petition website by Maria Lester, whose brother died at the age of 26 after battling a brain tumour for seven years. The petition supports a campaign by the charity Brain Tumour Research to increase funding for research into this deadly disease, cases of which it says are on the increase. Less than 20% of people diagnosed with a brain tumour survive beyond five years and it is the most deadly cancer affecting the under-40s. Despite this, brain tumours receive just 1.5% (£7.7 million) of the £498 million national spend on research into cancer. The charity is calling on the Government and larger cancer charities to raise investment to £30-£35 million a year. If the petition can reach 100,000 signatures by February 3 2016 the issue will be considered for debate in Parliament.

The Petitions Committee has launched an inquiry into funding for brain tumour research and recently hosted a web forum on which people were invited to share their thoughts on the issue and personal experiences of brain tumours. The committee is now holding several ‘oral evidence’ sessions – the first of which took place on Tuesday November 3 – to continue gathering information on the issue. Professors Walker and Grundy have written to the chair of the committee, the Right Honourable Helen Jones MP, to voice their support for the petition and to voice their concerns over current levels of funding for research into brain tumours.

Sign the petition and show your support today. You can also find out more on the News Room blog.

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