Participants wanted for study looking into mental health

August 1st, 2016

A Mental Health Research MSc student from the University is conducting a study that looks into how writing about an upsetting or traumatic experience might impact how you feel about it.

If you choose to complete the survey, you’ll be asked to write about a past experience that you found upsetting or traumatic once a day, over a three day period. This will take between 20 to 45 minutes a day, and also includes a short follow-up one week after you’ve finished the three day writing exercise.

You must be at least 18 years old to take part, and you must not participate if you are undergoing any professional treatment for anxiety or depression, including medication or therapy.

Everything you write will be kept completely confidential and anonymous, and will not be traced back to you.

Each person will be entered into a draw to receive a £25 Amazon voucher.

Please complete the survey online.

The study will remain open until the end of the month, so participants should try to get involved by around Saturday 20 August.

If you have any further questions please email Shareen Rikhraj at

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