Participants needed for driving simulator study

February 4th, 2016

Participants are needed to take part in a study using cars equipped with digital mirrors.

The study will take place in the NITES High-Fidelity Driving Simulator, L4 Building, University Park. Researchers are looking for female participants who:

  • have held a valid UK or EU driving license for 3 years or longer
  • are experienced motorway drivers
  • own/lease a car
  • do not suffer from severe motion sickness, epilepsy, migraines, dizziness, sleep disorders or blurred vision
  • are not pregnant

The study will be open until Friday 19 February, and will take approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. You will receive a £15 shopping voucher for your time.

Sign up for a session using this Doodle poll. If you need more information, please email

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