NSS: sharing the student experience

January 14th, 2014

It may have enjoyed its fair share of controversy since launching in 2005 but for better or worse the National Student Survey (NSS) is here to stay. With increases to tuition fees and the introduction of Key Information Sets (KIS), students are becoming ever more discerning about their choice of university and increasingly reliant on data to inform that decision.
In recognition of this, the University continues to target an overall satisfaction score of 90% in the NSS and a top 20 place by 2015.
While results have steadily improved, overall satisfaction in the 2013 survey was almost the same as the previous year, at 88%. But improvements by other institutions meant the University saw a relative decline, dropping from 41st in the rankings in 2012 to 64th in 2013.
“It is frustrating and challenging but we know that this is a fantastic university,” said Dr Paul Greatrix, University Registrar, adding that the results highlighted the need for a shift in focus.
“We’ve got fantastic resources, we’ve got very able students, excellent staff, great courses, and we’ve got amazing opportunities for learning. All of those elements are the right ingredients to enable every student to have the best possible education experience.”
“Part of what we’re trying to communicate about this is a sense of ambition about the student experience. [It is] about putting it front and centre in terms of the University’s mission and being absolutely clear that we are utterly, totally committed to providing the best student experience and the best possible teaching and learning.”
Although a top 20 place in the NSS remains a target for the University, Dr Greatrix stressed that providing a first-class experience for University of Nottingham students remains the bottom line.
“Everyone needs to be under no illusion that we have to do better in this, but fundamentally what we’re about is focusing on students and ensuring that they have the best possible learning experiences,” he said.
“Ultimately one would hope that is reflected in the NSS and if it isn’t we’d be a bit disappointed, but if our students are telling us they’re having a better experience and they’re feeling more comfortable about their teaching and learning then that’s fantastic.”
The University Executive Board and representatives of the Students’ Union will visit Schools in the New Year to discuss how to engage with students and find out what support is needed to improve results.
NSS 2014 campaign launches on 3 February. Schools will be kept up to date with response rates ,and examples of best practice will be shared to help them promote the survey. For details, email: studentcommsoffice@nottingham.ac.uk

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