Nottingham shortlisted for four Times Higher awards

September 3rd, 2015

The University of Nottingham has been shortlisted in four categories for the Times Higher Education Awards 2015.

Four University departments will be hoping to emulate the success of the research team led by Professor Harminder Dua, awarded the ‘Research Project of the Year’ at the 2014 awards for work identifying a previously undetected layer of the cornea (above).

The categories are:

Outstanding Employer Engagement Initiative – Careers and Employability Service
Along with Faculty of Engineering colleagues, the Engineering Careers team developed and hosted and event aimed at providing a wide ranging insight into the rail sector. With speakers from leading rail companies the event resulted in a 40% increase in recruitment to the rail sector.

Entrepreneurial University of the Year – Business Engagement and Innovation Services
One of four University Enterprise Zones (UEZs) across England, the University boasts a number of initiatives that place enterprise, entrepreneurship and innovation at the heart of the organisation. The University is recognised for stimulating an environment that supports entrepreneurial behaviours in staff and students through The University of Nottingham Innovation Park (UNIP) and the creation of numerous Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs). The nature of entrepreneurial activity is measured through the impact of programmes such as The Haydn Green Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (HGIEI), student run societies and competitions, the Ingenuity business network and the Asia Business Centre.

Outstanding Support for Early Career Researchers – The Graduate School
Nottingham’s innovative postgraduate placement project has supported over 200 research students to undertake and gain valuable work experience in local SMEs.  Researchers have worked with over 100 local employers who have seen and reaped the benefits and skills that doctoral researchers bring to enhance their workforce.

Outstanding Contribution to Leadership Development – Research and Graduate Services
The Nottingham Research Leaders Programme (RLP) has the core aim of identifying and supporting key academics in their strategic research leadership roles, in order that they are better placed to deliver excellent research with impact, in pursuance of the objectives of University’s Strategic Plan. 

John Gill, THE editor, said: “The achievements of our universities, which transform students’ lives and carry out pioneering research day in, day out, deserve to be recognised, and over the last decade the Times Higher Education Awards have become one of the sector’s most hotly anticipated events. This year, the 11th year of the awards, we had more entries than ever before, and are delighted to have such strong shortlists, highlighting the strength of universities the length and breadth of the country.”

Widely regarded as the Oscars of the higher education sector, the Times Higher awards attract hundreds of nominations for outstanding institutions, departments and individuals across 18 categories covering the full range of university activity. The full shortlist for all 18 categories is available on the awards website:

The winners will be revealed at a gala awards evening at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London on Thursday 26 November 2015.

Image caption: Dr Simon Kerridge, Chair of the Board of Directors ARAM (right) presents Professor Dua with his award (centre) alongside Jack Dee on the left, Dr Dalia Said (UoN) second from left, and Dr Lana Faraj (UoN) second from right.

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