Nottingham Reward Scheme is live

August 5th, 2019

The new Nottingham Reward Scheme is now live, with full guidelines published on the HR website.

The scheme allows colleagues and line managers to nominate University employees from across all job families for rewards which recognise outstanding work.

The Nottingham Reward Scheme is administered through the Employee Hub. The hub’s Reward Scheme functionality is now online, with vouchers and the £500 non-consolidated bonuses now available.

The Nottingham Reward Scheme has been developed in partnership with staff, following contributions from more than 450 colleagues across the University via focus groups and with Trade Union colleagues. It is entirely separate to the new Appraisal Development Conversations (ADC) performance and objective setting process, which has no direct link to performance-related reward.

The Nottingham Reward Scheme:

  • will provide opportunities for staff to be rewarded for excellent performance, which is over and above the normal expectations of their role.
  • is a flexible four-tiered performance related reward scheme, ranging from vouchers to consolidated reward.
  • will give opportunities for individual, manager and colleague nominations for rewards.
  • includes a number of points in the year for higher-value nominations and rewards to be applied.

The scheme will be promoted at key points throughout the year, coinciding with non-consolidated and consolidated award deadlines, and encouraging a continuous cycle of recognition and reward across the institution.

Training and Support

A series of one-hour briefings have been organised on a number of campuses in September and October. Staff can book onto these sessions via the Professional Development website.

These briefing sessions will cover how the Nottingham Reward Scheme will operate, the criteria for each reward and the different levels of reward along with how the administration via the Employee Hub will work.

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