Nottingham Advantage Award module of the year – ‘A Student’s Guide to the Future’

May 29th, 2019

Every year our Nottingham Advantage Award students can vote for their Module of the Year by nominating an Award module which has had a strong impact on their personal and professional development.

The Module of the Year Award is a great way to officially recognise the efforts of our module teams in module design and delivery.

Students can nominate any staff members who have been involved in module design and delivery. All nominations received are considered by the Award Steering Group, which then votes based on the quality of the nominations received.

This year 83 nominations were made, covering more than 20 modules.

The 2019 winner is an online module that was convened by two University of Nottingham graduates with Learning Technologies. Titled ‘A Student’s Guide to the Future’, it introduces students to the impact of emerging technologies on learning, politics and work, informs students of the most important debates in this area and enables them to apply critical thinking to the current and future role of technology in their lives and in society more widely.

Ollie Bream McIntosh, one of the module convenors, explained: “The University’s technical support was vital to getting this project off the ground, but ultimately, without any staff involved in the delivery of the module, we relied on students believing in us and in the project for the module to work.”

One student commented, “Having the knowledge about AI and the effect of technology will give me an edge over other candidates in the recruitment process”, with another adding, “As a student in the 21st century being aware of future trends is a must and will help in terms of knowing the kinds of skills employers are looking for”

The team behind the module has been invited to the Nottingham Advantage Award Celebration Event in June where they will receive a certificate signed by the Vice-Chancellor.


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