Newton Fund

February 20th, 2015

Newton Fund: building science and innovation capacity in developing countries

A range of international collaboration opportunities are now available through the £375M Newton Fund. Current calls are listed on the Newton Fund website (section 4) but highlights include:

Newton International Fellowships Closes: 25 Feb

Call information

Academy of Medical Sciences

Newton Advanced Fellowships Closes: 18 March

Call information

Academy of Medical Sciences

Royal Society

British Academy

Newton Mobility Grants Closes: 18 March

Call information

British Academy

Using Critical Zone Science to Understand Sustaining the Ecosystem Service of Soil & Water (CZO) Closes: 6 April

Call information

EoI to attend workshop in Nanjing, China

NERC / ESRC / NSFC call for Increasing Resilience to Natural Hazards In Earthquake-Prone regions in China (IRNHiC) Closes: TBC

Call information:

NERC Call information expected in March

Atmospheric Pollution and Human Health in a Developing Megacity: India workshop Closes: 16 March

Call information

EoI to attend workshop in Delhi

Further rounds of the Researcher Links and Institutional Links (British Council) are expected in April and June 2015. The Newton Fund:

  • Is part of the UK’s official development assistance and aims to develop science and innovation partnerships that promote the economic development and welfare of developing countries.
  • Currently involves 15 countries: Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam.
  • Is split over 5 years (£75M p.a.) and is delivered by the Research Councils, national academies, British Council, Met Office and Innovate UK.
  • Covers three pillars: people, research collaboration and translation

More information on the Newton Fund is available from who should also be informed if you intend to submit an application to any of the calls.


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