New IT Self Service portal and IT Website coming soon

October 27th, 2020

From January 2021, Information Services will be releasing a new Self Service portal and re-imagining the current IT website.

New Self Service portal

The transformational project to replace the existing IT service management tools has been continuing this year. Information Services were due to introduce a new IT customer service platform, Ivanti Service Manager (ISM) this October. This has now been re-scheduled to January 2021.

The current Self Service portal has served the University well over the years but has not kept up with the times in terms of automation, customer experience and integration to other systems and University processes.

ISM aims to introduce streamlined workflows and tasks to ensure your support requests and incidents are directed with greater efficiency.

For IT support requests there will be a brand-new Self Service portal, with a modern user interface and a distinct set of service offerings to pick from. Details on how to use the new portal will be published as we approach the switch over in January 2021.

In addition to this, Information Services will be removing the use of email to raise new IT support requests via the IT Service Desk or Campus IT Support. While this may sound a big change, it offers a lot of benefits for both customers and IT staff. Email can lead to long queues and response times and often the information required to resolve is not captured up front and visibility of progress is lost.

You can still phone the team if you need help. Phone calls are recommended if your issue is urgent or if you are not able to find quite what you want on the portal. Also, the virtual Smart Bar team are happy to support with quick queries or questions you may have.

New IT Website

Alongside this, the Information Services team have started a project to re-imagine the IT Services website. This piece of work will deliver a new IT website for release in January 2021. The new website will be much more user focused, introduce an improved service catalogue and link closely with the new Self Service portal. Furthermore, the website and Information Services department will potentially have a new name.

The team are gathering feedback from existing users of the website to ensure they make improvements for all customers via an online study comprising of a survey and online exercise. To help with this, please start the study here and complete by Thursday 19 November.

Your responses will help Information Services to re-imagine the content on the IT Services website and ensure users are provided with the right support to help find services, information and resolve IT queries.

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