New guide to equality, diversity and inclusion in PGR recruitment

January 7th, 2022

The Researcher Academy has published a guide to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in recruitment of postgraduate research students.

The guide is designed to support academics and staff who are involved recruitment of postgraduate research students (PGRs) and underlines the university’s commitment to infuse equality, diversity and inclusion throughout our community.

It provides practical examples of building EDI into our PGR recruitment processes and how applicants from diverse backgrounds can be supported on their journey.

The university’s newly appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and People, Professor Katherine Linehan, welcomed the guide.

Professor Linehan said: “Research funders increasingly expect strong and thoughtful engagement with EDI in applications for doctoral funding and helping our schools and faculties recruit the most talented individuals, whatever their background, will create and sustain a rich and vibrant research culture.

Professor Katherine Linehan, PVC for EDI

“The Researcher Academy makes a vital contribution as an advocate and champion of our increasingly diverse postgraduate research community and developed this guide with input and support from PGRs, academics and support staff. I would like to congratulate and thank all those involved.”

To support the launch of the guide, BBSRC Doctoral Training Programme Manager Dr Rachel Van Krimpen, who is also a member the national NEON working group on widening access and participation at PGR level, and Professor of Sociolinguistics Louise Mullany from the School of English will deliver an online session highlighting the structural barriers that prevent individuals accessing and participating in doctoral education.

Other initiatives aimed at supporting researchers from diverse backgrounds include the AMPlify applicant mentoring programme, which supports applicants from a BAME background through the application process, and the Excel in Science programme,  which aims to inspire and empower future generations of scientists from all backgrounds and ethnicities.

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