New framework for creation and governance of policy

March 24th, 2023

A new framework guiding the creation and governance of policy at the university has been endorsed by UEB for implementation.

The framework was developed  in response to concerns about the current policy landscape, specifically:

  • Inconsistent format and content, including supporting standards and procedures
  • Lack of regular review and update
  • Related accountabilities and responsibilities not consistently identified or articulated
  • Inconsistent locations, making policies difficult to find and navigate

The current status of university policies is a risk, as it does not promote understanding and compliance. In particular, the failure to consistently identify and articulate roles and responsibilities may result in staff and students not understanding their obligations and the potential consequences of not meeting them.

The framework was developed through consultation with key stakeholders across the campuses. It will be managed by the Assurance Team within the Governance and Assurance Division. The key components are:

  • A tiered approach to policies. Tier 1 policies apply to all staff and/or students, irrespective of their role or the nature of their studies. All staff and/or students should be made aware of these policies and their associated responsibilities
  • A template to ensure all policies are presented in a standardised format and address consistent core considerations
  • A central repository for publishing policies
  • Definitions of policy and other forms of governance and process documentation
  • Establishment of defined processes for drafting, approving, reviewing, revoking and publishing policies
  • Supporting guidance and resources

The framework represents a significant cultural shift for the university as many current “policies” do not fit the definition of policy that has been agreed.

Over the coming months, the Assurance Team will work with policy owners to introduce the new framework and provide practical tips for the transition of existing policies into the new standard.

This will include identifying those current policies which will be re-categorised into standard operating procedures, codes of practice/conduct or other formats.

A central repository for policies is being developed and to allow stakeholders to find and access relevant documentation and information with ease.

Briefing sessions for key stakeholders will be held in the coming weeks.

The Framework and supporting resources, including templates and guidance, can be found on the Risk and Assurance SharePoint site.

If you have any queries, please email

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