New AccessAble app launches

March 7th, 2023

The university is proud to announce the launch of the new AccessAble app, a revolutionary tool that will greatly benefit all of our students, staff and visitors to campus.

We know how critical having an inclusive estate is to fostering a strong sense of belonging for everyone, therefore we have invested £200K in the creation of this App to ensure everyone can find and access the facilities they need for their work and study.

The survey information collected to create the App will also be used to help the Estates Team prioritise budget spend to make the campuses more inclusive in the future and to inform the design of Castle Meadow Campus.

The app is designed to provide practical information about facilities available and the access routes into a building before people set off on their journey, as well as signposting to prayer rooms, parenting rooms, gender-neutral toilets and quiet spaces.

It will also provide detailed information on the accessibility of different buildings on campus, including features such as step-free access, parking, gender neutral and accessible toilets.

In addition to the campus features, the app includes information on local transport options, such as bus and train routes that are wheelchair accessible.

This feature means that all of our community can plan their journey to campus with the confidence that they will be able to get there without encountering any unnecessary barriers.

Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and People Professor Katherine Linehan said:

“As we continue to strive towards a more inclusive campus, the launch of the AccessAble app is a significant milestone that will help create a more welcoming and supportive environment for all members of our community.

The app is a great resource for people to plan and organise their time on campus, locate our inclusive facilities such as parenting rooms and represents a significant step towards removing barriers that may prevent individuals with protected characteristics from feeling fully included in university life.”

The app uses an easy-to-understand rating system to indicate the level of accessibility, which will be incredibly useful for individuals who may face difficulties navigating the campus due to mobility, visual, or hearing impairments or as a result of sensory overload

To celebrate the app going live, the university will be holding an in-person launch event at 2-3pm on Monday 27 March in The Performing Arts Space, Monica Partridge Building where representatives from AccessAble will be available to answer any questions or queries.

Book your place at the launch event

The AccessAble app is now available to download on both Apple and Android devices and we encourage all staff, students and visitors to make use of the valuable information it provides.

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