Measures to improve safety of pedestrians on Coates Road to remain in place

August 2nd, 2021

Coates Road is to remain pedestrianised following successful safety measures introduced over the last year.

During an External Spaces Review Coates Road was identified as a busy area with narrow footpaths and measures were put in place to limit the number of vehicles accessing it.

Planters have been placed in the parking areas and a barrier has been installed on Coates road adjacent to the East Entrance.

From Monday 6 September this barrier will be down, preventing access to cars, between the hours of 8-30am to 6pm Monday to Friday.

Anyone wishing to access the parking on this area of the Science Site should use Science Road.

Access to the parking areas adjacent to Tower Building will still be accessible from the A52 entrance.

All vehicular access to the parking and delivery bays adjacent to the Engineering Laboratories must enter from Science Road, no longer from the A52. Access to the tower is via the A52 exit, a new one way system is in place around the tower.

Q: How do I access and leave the Engineering car parks?
A: All vehicles should access Science Road.

Q: How do I access and leave the Tower car parks?
A: All vehicles should use the A52 exit and exit via a new route past Chemistry.

Q: Should I inform delivery drivers?
A: Yes, please make them aware of the alterations and inform them of dedicated delivery bays in the following locations; Portland Hill, Trent West Car Park, Between L3 and L4, Jubilee Atrium.

Q: I have deliveries arriving on Coates Road between 08:30 and 18:00:
A: Some deliveries to the Biodiversity Institute are allowable during the hours of 8:30 to 6pm, all other Coates road deliveries should be before 8:30am, after this time drivers should be directed to the delivery bays between L3 and L4.

Q: Do these changes apply to UoN vehicles?
A: With the exception of the accessible mini-bus the road alterations apply to all UoN vehicles.

Q: Are cycle routes affected?
A: Cyclists can use Coates Road and East Drive but should cycle slowly and with awareness and respect of pedestrians who have right of way.

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