Management of professional service hub distribution lists

July 11th, 2023

The BR-PS-HUBS-USERS distribution list has been created to enable effective communciations with members of staff who use the Professional Service Hubs on any of our UK campuses.

To ensure the list is kept up to date, anyone responsible for updating distribution lists for their team/department can do so by following the below instructions. You should also add or remove new starters and leavers to ensure the list is kept up to date.


  • Log in to the DTS self-service portal
  • Select ‘I need something’ on the landing page to open the service catalogue
  • Expand ‘accounts and access’ on the left
  • Select ‘systems and software’ then ‘Distribution List Access Request Form’ and ‘request’
  • Select ‘adding’ or ‘removing’
  • Add the name of the shared list: BR-PS-HUBS-USERS
  • Enter the email address of user 1. Repeat for others requiring the same action (i.e. adding OR removing)
  • Scroll down to ‘approval’ and add in your line manager’s email. They will then receive a message requesting approval.
  • Review and submit

If you have any questions, please contact Helen Bowen.

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