Leading stroke expert receives international award

November 4th, 2021

A world-leading expert in stroke medicine from the University of Nottingham has received a highly coveted international award from the World Stroke Organization (WSO).

Philip Bath, Professor of Stroke Medicine and Head of Academic Stroke at the University, Emeritus National Institute of Health Research Senior Investigator, and a consultant stroke physician at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, has received the World Stroke Organization President’s Award.

The highly regarded accolade is only awarded once a year to individuals who are international leaders in the field of stroke service and research and who have served the world stroke community.

Professor Bath has had a long and successful career in promoting and delivering high quality stroke research around the world, and was the first Professor of Stroke Medicine in the UK, with support from the Stroke Association and is an Emeritus NIHR Senior Investigator and Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. He helped set up the WSO in 2006 and since has served twice on its Board of Directors and currently Co-Chairs its Industry Committee.

Professor Philip Bath

Professor Bath’s research interests relate to acute blood pressure management and antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy, treatment of post-stroke dysphagia, and prevention of cognitive decline and vascular dementia.

He coordinates international collaborations on acute stroke blood pressure management; and optimising the design and analysis of trials in acute stroke, stroke prevention, dysphagia and cognition.

He said: “I am most honoured by this award and thank the President and WSO for it. But I am just one individual and WSO is vital to bring together stroke organisations and individuals around the world and so raise awareness of and improve the prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and support of stroke. Our vision is a world where people live free from the effects of stroke.”

Marc Fisher, M.D, is President of the WSO, he said: “It is with great pleasure that the World Stroke Organization has bestowed upon Professor Philip Bath the president’s award at the recent World Stroke Congress. Professor Bath received this award for his numerous contributions to the stroke field. He is also an active supporter and contributor to WSO activities.”

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