Launch of Curriculum Transformation Project

February 21st, 2022

Following the successful Designing Programmes for Learning conference that took place in January 2022, in which the university showcased its approach to curriculum design, there is now an institutional commitment to provide resources that will support all schools in redesigning their courses to embody programme-level design principles.

The university’s Education and Student Experience Strategic Delivery Plan set curriculum as one of its key priorities. Through a series of pilot studies in a selection of schools, we have developed and refined a framework for programme-level curriculum design which we shared with colleagues from other HEIs at a conference in January 2022. The framework initially involves the assembly of an evidence base obtained from various stakeholders (employers, alumni, students, market research).

This evidence base is used to inform the design of a programme of study that focuses on the student journey, leading to the skills and values that we expect UoN graduates to be able to demonstrate. The design process is undertaken by both staff and students, with the outcome a negotiated co-creation.

The process ensures that assessment is purposeful and sustainable, and that students are clear on why, how, and when, they acquire and demonstrate programme-level learning outcomes.

New university funding means that we are now able to roll out our design framework to schools across the institution, thus launching the Curriculum Transformation Project. The university commitment will provide support through central teams, through roles in faculties, and through the teaching backfill needed to allow staff in schools the time to devote to the design process.

The project will also capitalise on the integration of new digital solutions that will support both curriculum management and electronic assessment.

Various events will be held to ensure that information about the Curriculum Transformation Project is disseminated to staff and students.

If you would like to know more, please contact Katharine Reid.

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