Islamic prayer rooms on campus re-opened

January 19th, 2021

The Muslim prayer rooms on University Park and Sutton Bonington campus are now open daily for individual and congregational prayers.

The prayer rooms will be opened at set times for both students and staff to use (please be aware that the rooms are not to be used by members of the public at this time).

Pre-booking is essential and prayer times will vary each week according to the availability of prayer room supervisors. To be added to the weekly booking update please email

University Park

  • Portland Building
  • D39 Brothers
  • E45 Sisters

Sutton Bonington

  • The Barn
  • B15 Brothers
  • B16 Sisters

The Jubilee prayer rooms are due to reopen from Monday 25 January. Please email to be added to the weekly booking update.

Jubilee Campus

  • Xu Yafen Building
  • B05 Brothers
  • B02 Sisters

Covid secure measures

To assure safety and covid-security, use of the prayer rooms will follow the latest Government advice and guidance for places of worship, including:

  • Pre-booking is essential in order to keep numbers within safe limits, anyone turning up without a booking will be politely turned away and asked to book.
  • Please bring your own shoe bag, prayer mat and head scarves.
  • Where possible, please do ablution at home before attending.
  • Face masks must be worn in the prayer rooms.
  • Please check your booking for your allocated arrival time (for congregational prayers arrival times may be staggered) and avoid turning up early.
  • On arrival, please wait for a prayer room supervisor before entering the prayer rooms and follow their instructions. Please follow the signage inside the prayer rooms and use the prayer spaces marked out on the floor keeping 2m social distance.
  • Unfortunately, at this time, there is to be no gathering after prayers, prayer rooms users should vacate the room immediately following prayers. Please do not interact with anyone outside of your household or support bubble when attending the prayer rooms.
  • Please do not bring any food or drink. There will be no access to kitchen facilities.

Staff and students of other faiths who would like advice around religious observance on campus, please contact

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