Introducing the university’s Data Protection Officer

March 14th, 2023

The University’s new Data Protection Officer (DPO), Tracy Landon, recently joined us from Nottingham Trent University.

Based in the Governance and Assurance Department, Tracy and has extensive experience in data protection leads the University’s information governance operations.

As DPO her primary responsibility is to ensure that all personal data held by the University is processed in compliance with data protection laws and regulations.

In her role Tracy is keen to educate all colleagues on the important part they play in protecting and processing data to maintain public trust in the University and protect the individual and institution from the damage caused by data breaches. She says:

“Data protection is essential for the University. It ensures that individuals’ personal data is processed lawfully, fairly and transparently. This means that individuals have control over their data and can trust the University to handle it responsibly.

“Good data protection practice also helps protect the University’s reputation. Breaches and incidents could damage the University’s reputation and erode trust. Having a DPO in place demonstrates that the University takes data protection seriously. “

Tracy and her Information Compliance team provide advice and guidance to staff and students on how to collect, store and process personal data safely. They also audit the University’s data protection practices to ensure they comply with data protection law and investigate and report data breaches to the Information Commissioner’s Office. She says:

“The role of a DPO should be visible and supportive and I am very happy to meet colleagues across our campuses to provide advice and guidance on any matter concerned with data protection.

“A small piece of good practice in data protection can insulate people from significant legal penalties. By ensuring staff are equipped with the knowledge, resources and support necessary to undertake their roles, we can all help to manage personal data responsibly.

“I or any of my colleagues are very happy to speak individually or attend team meetings to talk through data protection queries and to better understand your roles and data protection needs so that we can provide you with the very best support and training.”

To arrange a session with Tracy of the team, please contact and for further information and a range of resources to support good data protection, please visit Information Compliance.

The University’s annual Information Security online training is currently available to staff, and reminders will be issued shortly to colleagues who have yet to complete this training. You can complete the training, which should take no more than 30 minutes by following this link

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