Introducing the Organisation Design Steering Group

July 15th, 2015

Project Transform will significantly change the way that student administration is structured and organised.

The new technology platform will affect a number of colleagues’ job roles. The Organisation Design Working Group will present a proposed structure and plan to support this change at the Project Transform Programme Board on Tuesday 21 July, outlining a new, institution-wide model for student administration.

However, this only covers activities and roles considered ‘in scope’ for Project Transform. There will be a significant amount of administrative work which remains in School, Faculties and Professional Services departments which will need to be reviewed, and potentially, re-organised as Project Transform is implemented.

UEB has tasked a steering group chaired by Prof Karen Cox to oversee the development of a set of principles for reviewing and potentially reorganising ‘out-of-scope’ work and roles. These principles will then guide the implementation of any changes to ensure:

a) Alignment with the new Project Transform organisation to enable the benefits from the change to be realised across the University
b) Alignment of systems and processes with Project Transform to ensure these are operationally effective
c) Clarity of structures, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities across Faculties, Schools and Departments
d) Enhanced career development and staff development opportunities
e) Opportunities for delivering efficiencies.

The steering group is developing a set of principles and proposals to be taken to UEB for final approval by the end of September 2015. Identified sub groups will then oversee the approved work and consult with colleagues as appropriate according to the recommendations being proposed.

Members are:

Professor Karen Cox Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Chair)
Professor Sarah O’Hara Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Academic Planning & Chair, Project Transform Organisation Design Working Group
Dr Paul Greatrix, Registrar
Andrew Unitt, Chief Financial Officer
Professor John Atherton, Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor Elect – Medicine & Health Sciences
Professor Andy Long, Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Engineering
Professor Kevin Shakesheff, Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Science
Jaspal Kaur, Director of Human Resources
Jonathan Lamley, School Manager – Health Sciences
Debra Booler, Faculty Manager – Arts
Adrian Simpson, Organisation Design Lead, Project Transform

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