Internal senior leadership opportunity

July 23rd, 2021

Expressions of interest are invited for the new role of Academic Director Digital Nottingham to work in partnership with the Director of Digital Nottingham (Professional Services Lead), and shape the vision, priorities, and delivery of this strategically important initiative for the University.

Digital Nottingham will be a purpose-built innovation hub that will harness the economic and social potential of digital transformation in the city and fulfil a major initiative by the University as a central component of its civic and regional ambitions.

Digital Nottingham will showcase the university in the city centre and deliver world class research as well as contributing to business growth and dynamism, developing digital skills of the local community, and supporting a new growth narrative for the city.  Research expertise will further establish Digital Nottingham as a centre of excellence for the UK in key research strengths, based in Nottingham. The ambition is for Digital Nottingham to be a leading example of a university-city partnership which drives growth and recovery.

This is a great opportunity for an experienced academic leader to lead the academic-focused aspects of the university’s relationship with local partners, and engage academics, university leaders, the city and business community in this exciting initiative, including harnessing relationships for the development of income and investment streams.

Applications are welcomed from individuals who are R&T level 7 and who have broad experience of collaborative working and the delivery of complex, multi-stakeholder initiatives. You must have a track record as a senior strategic leader with a passion for wanting to do something for the benefit of Nottingham. You will be an academic in data science in its broadest sense and able to demonstrate an understanding of the importance of digital transformation for society, polity, economy, health, and well-being of the communities in which we live.

The role is offered on a 0.8FTE buy-out basis for a 4-year term of office and will attract an annual leadership allowance.

In seeking to enhance diversity in our leadership roles, applications are welcomed from staff of all backgrounds and particularly encouraged from individuals in traditionally underrepresented groups such as women and individuals from Black, Asian or other ethnic minority backgrounds.

To find out more about this excellent opportunity and to make an application, please view the job advertisement.

The application process requires you to submit your CV and a two-page statement outlining how you meet the requirements of the role (as outlined in the role profile) and what your vision would be for Digital Nottingham.

Applications should be submitted no later than midnight on Wednesday 4 August. Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Andy Long, Deputy-Vice-Chancellor:

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