Internal Coach Pool now recruiting: deadline extended

October 22nd, 2021

The Leadership and Management Academy is delighted to announce that it is expanding its Internal Coach Pool.

This is now open for nominations from all Professional Services Departments, Faculties and Schools.  All permanently contracted staff, all job levels, from any job family can apply. We are particularly keen to expand the diversity of our coach pool, so would encourage those with protected characteristics to apply.

What does the Internal Coach Pool involve?

The Internal Coach Pool currently comprises a group of around 50 staff who have qualified with an ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring. This has provided them with the support they need to coach others in the University in confidential coaching relationships. We are now expanding this provision with a further 60 coaching places available (40 in autumn 2021, and 20 in spring 2022). These staff will be trained through the Apprenticeship Coaching Professional (level 5).

Why coaching?

Coaching creates opportunities for the development of professional, supportive relationships and can enable individuals to effectively carry out core business and to continue to contribute to strategic aims. By taking part in the Internal Coach Pool, you will benefit from personal development and a better understanding of your impact on others.

The Internal Coach Pool will be supported by the University’s Leadership and Management Team and the Coaching and Mentoring Community of Practice.

How can I be nominated?

All members of staff at the university are eligible to complete a nomination form to become a coach in the Internal Coach Pool, regardless of their job family or level. We encourage nominations from the wide university population and recognise a range of skills and talent in our workforce.

Nominees must feel comfortable with the prospect of coaching people who may be working in a different area to themselves. Places are limited, so completing a nomination form is not a guarantee of a place on the programme.

Senior Management Teams (SMTs) are responsible for reviewing nominations from people from within their teams.  To make your interest known, please discuss this with your line manager first before submitting your nomination. You need to make sure you have support to dedicate the hours required to complete the programme, as well as the on-going coaching commitment in future years.

The deadline for nominations to be agreed and submitted has now been extended to Friday 12 November 2021.

Successful nominees will commence training towards their L5 qualification in mid to late-November 2021 and be matched with their first coachees in January 2022.

More information and the nomination form are available on the LMA Hub.

For any further information, please contact Ruth Francis, Management Development Manager or Carol Steed, Leadership and Management Director.


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