Information on module choices for students

September 12th, 2017

Students will again be using the Online Module Form to make their optional module choices in September. The form has been enhanced to ensure modules with limited capacity do not become oversubscribed.

Students will be able to access the form as below:

  • New students (undergraduate, including incoming mobility students and postgraduate taught) will be able to make choices during the period from 12 noon on Monday 18 September until 10am on Monday 25 September.
  • All students (to include new students and all returning students) will be able to access the form for the normal “change of mind” period from 12 noon on Wednesday 27 September to 10am on Wednesday 11 October.

The forms will be pre-populated with all core modules and (for returning students) any choices students made in May.

Module enrolments will be uploaded daily into individual student timetables and Moodle (they will appear in Moodle the day after your student record has been updated).

Student Services will be contacting students with course specific information to assist with their choices (when relevant) and guidance for the use of the form. The form does not carry out any validation against programme specifications. Manual checks will be necessary as in previous years and this will be carried out by Student Services staff in conjunction with academic colleagues.

Choices are provisional until formally checked by staff. Students are not able to amend the form once submitted and any further requests should be via the Student Services enquiry form.

Any sessions taking place in Schools/Departments to support module choices should be titled module advisory sessions rather than module sign up sessions.

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