Implementing the University Strategy

February 27th, 2020

Crowd-sourcing, focus groups and local pilots across the University will be used to develop new ideas invited from staff and students to help implement the new University Strategy published in December.

Vice-Chancellor Professor West said: “Just as the University Strategy was built from the ideas of our staff and students through consultation, I would like our community to bring their ideas and energies to determining how we bring the Strategy to life in how we research, study and collaborate at Nottingham.”

Vice-Chancellor Focus Groups
Professor West has issued an open invitation to staff to join a series of focus groups chaired by her to contribute their ideas implementing the new University Strategy and bringing it to life across our institution.

To be considered for a focus group, please complete the short application at VC – Strategy Focus Groups. Colleagues who have not had the opportunity to submit their ideas through other mechanisms are particularly encouraged to apply.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Staff Meetings
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Andy Long, will also co-host ‘town hall’ staff meetings across our UK campuses with Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellors and Directors of Professional Services to explore with colleagues how they want to apply the Strategy to their work and use it to guide local priorities.  Further details will be published shortly.

Strategic Delivery Plans
A range of Strategic Delivery Plans will also be published to provide practical guides on how our community can help to implement the values, goals and enablers of the strategy. The first of these, focused on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), was developed alongside the University Strategy and published in September 2020.

In her latest blog, Pro Vice-Chancellor for EDI, Professor Sarah Sharples explains what the new Strategy means for her and how its values support ambitions for greater equality, diversity and inclusion across the University.

Business Planning & Personal Objectives
The University Strategy is embedded in the business planning process and faculties and professional service departments are now considering how they can reflect its goals in within their planning priorities.

A series of resources have also been published to support managers, teams and individuals in reflecting its values and goals in local planning and setting ADC objectives for the next cycle. Requests for additional information can be made to

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