Images of a revolution

November 1st, 2010

A new British Museum exhibition tells the story of an artistic movement inspired by the Mexican Revolution.

Telling the story of the socialist revolution which swept through Mexico in the early 20th century, these arresting prints are part of the Lakeside Arts Centre’s new exhibition – Revolution on Paper.

Following the revolution, a strong left-wing government emerged in Mexico. It saw art as a great vehicle for promoting the values of the revolution, and a pioneering programme of public murals and mass-produced prints emerged.

Previously exhibited at the British Museum and featuring prints from its collections, the exhibition will run at the Angear Visitors Centre from Saturday 20 November.

Some of the finest of the prints featured are by the three great men of Mexican art of the period – ‘los tres grandes – Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco and David Alfaro Siqueiros.

The range if material featured is fascinating – from single-sheet artists prints to illustrated books and large posters with designs in woodcut or lithography.

Visit for details.

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