Holocaust Memorial Day 2024 – Light the darkness

January 12th, 2024

Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) takes place each year on 27 January and offers time to remember the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, alongside the millions of people murdered under Nazi persecution of other groups and during more recent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

University of Nottingham Chaplaincy and Faith Support are encouraging staff and students to join in on the Light the darkness national moment, taking place at 8pm on Saturday 27 January to

  • remember those who were murdered for who they were
  • stand against prejudice and hatred today

Join the conversation online by sharing the Light the Darkness video and graphics on social media to raise awareness in the lead up to the national moment on HMD.

Share photos of your candle

On the day, post a photo of your candle, the Trent building (University Park campus) or the Ingenuity building (Jubilee campus) lit up in purple and be sure to tag:

Facebook: HMD.UK
Instagram: holocaustmemorialdaytrust
Youtube: HMD_UK
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/hmd-uk

Light the Darkness flickering candle GIF

If you are not able to light a candle for Holocaust Memorial Day but would like to be part of the Lighting the Darkness national moment, this Light the Darkness candle GIF has been created for you to use.

Free to download, you can use this in your office, workplace or any other building or venue where lighting a candle is not possible and, together with your friends and colleagues, you can Light the Darkness.

It is ideal for use on mobile devices, but can also be displayed on laptops and tablets.

Download the flickering candle GIF here.

Building light ups

To commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day 2024, the university will be lighting up both the Trent building on University Park campus and the Ingenuity building on Jubilee campus in purple.

Keep an eye out and share any images using the hashtags #HolocaustMemorialDay and #LightTheDarkness.

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