Have you explored our diversity festival? Monday 13 to Friday 24 June 2022

May 23rd, 2022

Our second diversity festival embraces and celebrates difference within our vibrant university community. 

This year we’ll be offering FREE food tasting at our UK university food outlets, exciting in person performances and activities for all, keynote and local events plus a two-week music takeover from our University Radio Nottingham team. 

Take a look at our exciting programme of more than 25 live events taking place across the two weeks from Monday 13 to Friday 24 June 2022 including: 

Our local events touch on a wide range of fascinating topics from caring to neurodiversity, hair and head coverings to getting support with fertility issues and childlessness. 

University Radio Nottingham (URN) are also offering a two-week music takeover during the festival. 

“We are incredibly excited to be involved again in the diversity festival. We are scheduling a range of programmes celebrating diverse music and are also preparing some really cool mix tapes featuring music from around the world. Listen to us live during the festival here.” (Izzy Felton, URN) 

How can you get involved? 

We encourage staff and students to find creative ways to celebrate the diversity of their team, year group, faculty or department.

You could bring in food that reflects your cultural heritage, wear clothing, jewellery or makeup that speaks to your culture or arrange sessions to tell stories and exchange ideas about your culture and heritage.

Post photos and stories onto your social media with the hashtag #WeAreUoN. 

Want to find out more? 

Find out more and book onto events via our diversity festival web hub 

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