Gradual but significant steps towards national recovery

February 26th, 2021

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner

England now has roadmap for the gradual easing of coronavirus restrictions. As the days grow longer and spring is on its way, we can also look forward to the prospect of more colleagues returning to campus and seeing more of friends and loved ones.

For now, and for the coming weeks, the advice for researchers remains the same – continue to work on campus if it cannot reasonably be done from home. All other researchers should remain working from home where possible, in line with government guidance.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Andy Long has set out what the Prime Minister’s announcement means for our university and for postgraduate research students.

Our world-class innovation continues
As we review our recovery and prepare for further guidance from the government after Easter, our research continues to make progress on many fronts. I was delighted to be invited to participate in a crucially important new trial of different vaccine combinations in Nottingham, which is one of eight centres researching alternating doses and intervals of approved vaccines for Covid-19. It was a privilege to observe this world-first trial in action ‘from the inside’.

In Italy, we are establishing a research base that will strengthen our alliances with Europe’s aerospace leaders and our position at the forefront of revolution in green air travel.

Regular Covid-19 testing
A reminder that all staff and students should take asymptomatic Covid-19 tests at least once a week. These tests are highly accurate and can tell if you are in the early stages of infection, whether or not you are showing symptoms. By taking part in regular testing, our community shows our campuses and facilities are Covid-secure and enables them to be kept open. Find out where to take a test.

UKRI and support for PhD students
Professor Andy Long has written to our postgraduate research students following UKRI’s announcement of further action to support PhD students whose studies are being affected by Covid-19.

PGRs and their supervisors are encouraged to comment on these proposals, and we welcome such continuing conversations on how the university can best support its postgraduate research community.

Please use this form to give your views. Your thoughts and suggestions will help inform our university’s response. Following its consultation, UKRI will provide further guidance in early spring.

Read Dame Jessica’s full update

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