Get involved in Disability Recognition Month this May

January 13th, 2022

Staff and students are invited to get involved in planning Disability Recognition Month celebrations.

There are three key options for staff and students to get involved:

  • submitting suggestions for theme, topics, or central events
  • applying to be a member of the programme board
  • applying for funding to organise a local event

Find out more details about each of these options in the article below.

Share your ideas for Disability Recognition Month

As part of the planning process, we welcome ideas for themes or events. Please share these using this short form.

All contributions, input, and feedback are highly valued. Please get in touch soon so that your views can be considered in the organisation of this celebration.

Apply to be on the Programme Board

There is an opportunity for up to 6 people to shape how the University of Nottingham recognises disability by joining the programme board for the university’s Disability Recognition Month. This opportunity is open to all job roles and staff at any level, as well as students.

If you are interested in joining the programme board and shaping the university’s delivery of Disability Recognition Month events, please fill out this short form by end of the day on Tuesday 8th February 2022.

The role of programme board is to:

  • Contribute to discussions to decide on a theme for the recognition month.
  • Actively support the planning and delivery of two university wide events around the theme. This may include hosting the events, liaising with external speakers if necessary, and promoting the events.
  • Review and decide on funding applications for local events.
  • Attend weekly programme board meetings.

The first programme board meeting will take place during week commencing 21st February 2022

Apply for funding for local events

Funding will be awarded to host local events or activities to a maximum of £200 with applications to be assessed by the Disability Recognition Month Programme Board.

This funding is open to anyone within the university – any student groups, or staff members at any level and with any job role.

Applicants are also encouraged to seek match funding from another source (this could be the associated School/Department/Group or an external source).

For applications, please complete this form by Thursday, 3rd March 2022. 

If your application involves face-to-face events, then please visit the university’s Coronavirus webpages as your main source of information and guidance.

Why do we recognise disability in May?

While 18 November – 20 December 2021 is National Disability History Month, while Mental Health Awareness Month takes place in May. After receiving feedback that staff and students were not always able to engage with the November/December celebrations because of closure days and holidays, these celebrations were merged so that, as a university, we will celebrate Disability Recognition Month during the month of May 2022. Find out more in this EDI blog.

For any queries, please contact the EDI Coordinators at

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