George Green Library – update

August 30th, 2016

We are now reaching the exciting final stages of the George Green Library extension. Stock is currently being moved into the new building, and will be transferred by Tuesday 6 September.

The library will remain open and the books will be accessible throughout throughout the move, although there may be a short delay at times if any items need to be collected. The journals will return from offsite storage and in early September architecture books and journals will transfer in from the Hallward Library. Inevitably there will be some disruption as we move almost 5km of stock into place – Hallward and Greenfield Medical are the nearest alternative libraries if you need quiet study space during this period.

Unfortunately there have been some delays following the flood in June but we aim to have most of the building open for the start of session. The new George Green will offer a fantastic choice of study spaces for both individuals and groups, including 12 group study rooms, 20 individual study rooms and an assistive technology room. There will also be four language labs, a computer training room and an integrative learning room. There is already a silent study area on F floor reserved for postgraduates and academic staff which can be accessed by University card.

We will keep you updated over the coming weeks as we approach the full opening of George Green Library. In the meantime, you can keep up-to-date with developments at George Green Library by following @UoNLibraries on Twitter.

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