Extended opening hours in libraries

April 21st, 2021

Libraries have extended the opening times of six libraries to 2am (Sunday – Thursday) for the summer term.

With the summer assessment period on the horizon, Libraries have extended the opening times of all libraries, except Music. The libraries will stay open until 2am from Sunday to Thursday to allow more time for individual, silent study.

From 9pm – 2am, library study space is available without advance booking. At all other times, library study space must still be booked in advance using Click and Study.

Library staff are available until 9pm to answer any questions about access to resources or facilities. After this time, the library spaces are monitored by Octavian Security.

We ask that you visit our libraries to use study space or access resources only when essential – for example, if you don’t have access to appropriate study space elsewhere.

It is expected that the extended opening times will be available for the duration of the summer term. Find out more on the Libraries’ website.

Stay safe

Help us to provide a safe study environment at all times by following the essential Covid-19 safety measures in place in our libraries.

Anyone failing to follow the safety measures will be asked to leave the library and will be unable to book study space for seven days. Failure to follow the safety measures is a breach of the Code of Discipline for Students.

Look after your wellbeing

It’s important to look after your health and wellbeing whilst studying, including taking regular breaks, eating healthy food and getting plenty of sleep.

Whilst libraries are staying open until 2am, we recommend starting your studies as early as possible, setting yourself an achievable target for your study session and getting some rest once complete.

For the moment, food cannot be eaten in the library so it may be helpful to schedule your study sessions around meals.

  • Visit the Student Academic Skills webpage for guidance on study strategies.
  • Download the HealthyU toolkit for guidance on looking after your wellbeing when studying or preparing for exams.
  • If you need support, or are concerned about your health or wellbeing, you can find a list of useful contacts on HealthyU.

If you have any questions about library opening times or other services, please contact Libraries via email, phone or live chat.

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