Excel in Science Internship Programme: call for supervisors and interns

May 12th, 2023

The Excel in Science Internship Programme (2023-2024) call for supervisors and interns has opened.

Following the success of last year’s internship programme and our Nottingham Advantage Awards course, we are delighted to share that the call for students and supervisors are now open.  

Excel in Science is a programme designed to give budding researchers the opportunity to gain hands-on research experience.

We are committed to the highest standards of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, which are essential to a thriving and ambitious Research Culture. 

The Excel in Science internship programme is open to all students from all disciplines, with 50% of its 40 places devoted to Black undergraduate students. We also take into account other protected characteristic and socio-economic status when shortlisting the applicants.

Successful candidates will receive a stipend for 10h/week throughout the 23/24 academic (30 weeks) at the living wage rate. 

For supervisors

As an Excel in Science supervisor, you have the opportunity to provide students with a unique learning experience, mentorship and to potentially create lasting connections with emerging scientists.

Your involvement in this programme will also help diversify the scientific community by supporting students from underrepresented communities.  

Research-active colleagues from across the University of Nottingham are encouraged to submit their proposals and help us create an enriching experience for our students.

We expect our Excel in Science interns to work as research assistants, spending 10 hours a week on their project over a period of 30 weeks commencing in September 2023.  

Projects should run throughout the academic year, be well-defined, feasible, and offer the opportunity for students to gain valuable experience and knowledge in their field of interest.    

Successful projects will also receive financial support (£500 – £1,500) to cover the costs incurred by the interns once in post.  

The deadline for submission of your research project is Saturday 10 June 2023.

Please submit it completing this MS Form.

We are looking forward to receiving your project and intend to notify you if you have been paired with a student by Friday 7 July 2023. 

For further details, please contact Maria Arruda.

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