Endometriosis: can Endoconnect help you?

November 23rd, 2023

EndoConnect is a new group for staff and students, aiming to raise awareness and provide support and information about endometriosis, a condition impacting more than 1 in 10 women but often poorly understood, undiagnosed and rarely discussed. 

Our new university project will host informative talks, online and in-person gatherings and build a community for dialogue and mutual support.

This is a chance to meet others interested in the condition and find out about the project’s plans. 

The aim of the EndoConnect project is to increase the awareness of Endometriosis. We hope

  1. to establish a community for staff and students across the university to offer support and information;
  2. to create an interactive research network that could also lead to interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities.

A new website (Xerte platform) has been developed that will serve as a continuous knowledge hub, including sections covering endometriosis information, useful resources, ideas for future research, UoN support network contacts and more.

The platform will also disseminate regular webinars and support network sessions, a core part of the project.

Lunchtime seminar – Tuesday 5 December 2023

Endometriosis Support and Awareness – Lunchtime Seminar 

On Tuesday 5 December 2023 at 12noon, Professor Saad Amer – a highly experienced consultant gynaecologist specialising in endometriosis and menstrual disorders – will lead the project’s first lunchtime seminar.

His talk will be followed by refreshments and an opportunity for informal conversation.

The event is open to all and takes place in room A17, Plant Science Building at Sutton Bonington campus.

A Teams link and a recording of the talk will be posted on the project website.

To find out more, please visit the Endoconnect website or email endoconnect@nottingham.ac.uk

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