Education and Student Experience: university leadership updates

February 28th, 2023

We are pleased to announce a number of recent additions to the education and student experience senior leadership team.

From Wednesday 1 March 2023, Professor Andy Fisher (School of Humanities) has been appointed as Deputy Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Curriculum Leadership for an initial period of six months.

He will support Professor Mark Bradley, who is taking on some of the responsibilities of Professor Sarah Speight while she serves on the national Teaching Excellence Framework Panel. Andy will continue as University Senior Tutor alongside this new role, which concentrates on promoting student voice, EDI and accessibility priorities across the organisation.

Earlier this academic year, Professor Kim Edwards (School of Medicine) took over from Professor Jonathan Tallant as Chair of Quality and Standards Committee, and is assisted by Associate Professor Harriet Allen (School of Psychology) as Deputy Chair of QSC, who took over from Associate Professor Keith Benedict.

From Thursday 23 February 2023, Jonathan has taken on the role of Academic Director of Degree Apprenticeships in succession to Associate Professor Emma Weston, who has led this area across the last two years.

There are a number of other important university-wide roles: Associate Professor Fiona McCullough is in her second term as Academic Director of The Nottingham Advantage Award, and Associate Professor Mo Elmaghrbi continues as Academic Director of Foundation Degrees.

Collectively, alongside all the academic Faculty Digital Learning Directors, Faculty Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellors, and professional services leads, these new appointments put us in very capable hands, and in a strong position to drive forward our education and student experience strategic delivery plan.

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