Digital Research Roadshows

April 25th, 2019

Researchers are invited to attend a series of events aimed at helping with the development and enhancement of research through Digital Research services.

The University’s Research Strategy has enabled access to new digital capabilities for researchers, and these roadshows are designed to help attendees make the most of these services. Researchers at all stages of their careers are welcome.

Topics will include:

  • Remote, real-time collaboration with partners
  • Advice and guidance for effective research data management
  • Secure, compliant storage for research data
  • Scalable, expandable compute facilities
  • Specialist expertise in data analysis
  • Discoverable and long-term archive storage

Each full day roadshow will include:

  • Presentations and demonstrations from academic colleagues who are benefiting from Digital Research Services
  • Expert discussion panels on advanced data analysis techniques, research data management, and digital collaboration
  • Specialist advice on opportunities for strengthening research grant proposals through effective utilisation and costing of Digital Research Services
  • A preview of developing and planned Digital Research Services including the machine learning and data management technologies

For more information, and to register your place, please see the below links.

  • Wednesday 8 May, Science, Maths and Health Sciences Focus, B07 The Barn, Sutton Bonington – book your place
  • Tuesday 21 May, Social Sciences and Arts focus, Clive Granger, University Park – book your place
  • Wednesday 5 June, Engineering focus, Advanced Manufacturing Building, Jubilee Campus – book your place 

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