UN Climate Change Conference: call for campaign contributions from research teams

June 21st, 2021

The UK will be hosting the most important event in the climate change calendar in November, when COP26, the UN Climate Change conference, comes to Glasgow.

This event presents an unprecedented opportunity for UK researchers working on issues related to climate change to bring their work to the attention of governments and policy makers, and to influence the decisions that will shape the world’s response to the climate crisis in the coming years.

Nottingham is home to a huge and diverse range of climate-related research with enormous social, technological, environmental and health-related implications. This work has great potential to influence climate policy and change public understandings of the issues at stake.

To raise the profile of this wide-ranging and important work, The Institute for Policy and Engagement are planning a digital campaign to run in the lead-up to and during the COP26 conference, focusing on the valuable research contributions coming from all corners of our university.

The campaign will be built around two groups of content: one focusing on Net Zero Aviation as a strategic strength of the university, and one seeking to draw on a wide range of research to showcase the breadth of our contribution to tackling climate change.

The Institute is looking for potential contributions to this campaign, to form the basis of content to be promoted and shared with targeted stakeholders as well as a broad public audience. Formats might include, for instance, a blog post focused on the policy implications of your work or a podcast interview. Institute staff will be available to support you to develop your work into a format suitable for the campaign.

Applications are welcome from any school or faculty, and the Institute are keen to ensure as broad a representation of the university’s academic expertise as possible as part of the campaign.

If you’re interested in having your work included in this exciting campaign, please email theinsitute@nottingham.ac.uk by Friday 30 July, with the following information:

  • Your school
  • The focus of your research
  • Why this matters to the climate change agenda, and if applicable what the policy implications are (i.e. what you think governments need to do, on the basis of your research, in order to tackle climate change)
  • Any audiences you are particularly keen to engage

COP26 is a global event so the communications field will be crowded. Content that stands out through innovative methods or “unexpected” contribution to the climate change challenge is particularly encouraged. Given the global nature of the event, content that is aimed at audiences extending beyond the UK will also be welcome.

Confirmation of projects chosen to be included in the campaign will be in early August, at which point, successful applicants will be contacted to discuss format and content creation.

If you have any questions, please contact Chris Sims, Deputy Director of the Institute.

More information can be found on the Institute SharePoint

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