Change to Microsoft Teams recordings: action required for users

January 31st, 2023

Microsoft are discontinuing the application known as “Classic Stream” later in 2023 – the system where all Microsoft Teams recordings were stored prior to July 2022.

The university therefore needs to prepare for the replacement of Classic Stream in Office 365, and we need your help to get your recordings ready for the migration. We cannot do this for you, as these are your own recordings.

These are the steps we need you to take:

Step one: Remove unnecessary legacy videos from Classic Stream

Removing unnecessary videos reduces the amount of video the university needs to migrate and helps avoid a build-up of junk content in your OneDrive and/or Teams.

It is vital that you delete all unwanted video content before Wednesday 1 March 2023, or your OneDrive or Teams will be populated with the unwanted recordings.

Please ensure that any unpublished video is deleted or published. Likewise, if you have any broken video content, please remove that as well.

If you are unsure what recordings you have, you can find a list of your video content via this link. To delete the recordings you do not need, click the three dots to access the delete option.

While tidying up, you may wish to rename the video to have a title that is more meaningful to you and any viewers. This is optional, but may help you later.

Don’t worry if you make a mistake, as deleted videos can be recovered from Classic Stream’s recycle bin for up to 30 days, should you need to restore any.

Step two: Check Classic Stream video sharing

If you have shared any of your videos in Classic Stream and they are set to ‘company wide’, please take this opportunity to amend so that only the correct people can access the videos for privacy and data protection reasons.

See the link on how to share to the correct university security groups and Teams.

Moving forward

For staff, following the Wednesday 1 March 2023 deadline, video in Stream Classic will be migrated into OneDrive and/or Teams, deleting the original and keeping the new copy in M365.

After migration, Teaching staff should ensure any lecture related content is then transferred into Echo after the deadline. Further instructions will follow nearer the time.

For undergraduates, post-graduates, and Associates, data will not be migrated, and you should download then upload any video content you wish to keep.

Microsoft have confirmed a hard deadline of October 2023, after which point unmigrated video content will become unavailable.

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