Celebrating our European colleagues — join us

March 6th, 2019

On Tuesday 19 March 2019, we will be holding an event to celebrate the enormous contribution made by our European colleagues to the University, to Nottingham and to the UK.

Hosted by the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the evening will also serve as a forum for the development of ideas as to how the University should increase and expand its engagement with Europe, beyond Brexit.

The event will take place 5-7pm, Tuesday 19 March  in the Senate Chamber, Trent Building, University Park Campus. Please RSVP online. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Please note, we extend a particularly warm welcome to our dual nationality colleagues who have come from an EU country, but have used their UK passport in the job application process with the University and who, as a result, we have been unable to identify and send a personalised invitation to.

The European Staff Celebration Event is a small way of signalling that our University, the city of Nottingham and the UK would not be the thriving places they are without the hard work, creativity, ideas and dedication of our European colleagues. We will also be promoting the stories of our European colleagues across the University’s communications and social media channels during the week of the event, using the hashtag #WeareUoN.

Featuring the inaugural University of Nottingham European Fuddle — bring a pudding.

On a lighter note, we want the evening to provide those attending with an opportunity to showcase the diversity of their cultural influences, while doing something that is quintessentially Nottingham. A fuddle* is the perfect format for these aims and firmly rooted in one of Nottingham’s, and indeed the University’s, finest culinary traditions. The University will be providing European-inspired food and drink for the evening, so participation in the fuddle is entirely optional.

*fuddle [n, used mostly in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire]: either on your own, or where a group of people get together and share sweets and other foods a bit like a picnic.

For more information, contact Amy Williams amy.williams@nottingham.ac.uk.

RSVP your place at the fuddle via Eventbrite.

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March 6th, 2019 at 11:53 am



I should like to reserve a space at this event.

Many thanks!


March 6th, 2019 at 11:58 am


Hi Ewa. Thanks for getting in touch. To RSVP your place at the fuddle event, please visit the following page and enter your details: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/european-staff-celebration-event-tickets-56035920948. Best wishes – Rebecca

March 7th, 2019 at 8:40 am

Tania Ciolli-Leach

Hi there

I hope the evening is a fabulous cultural exchange, what a wonderful idea.


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