Posts categorised as ‘News’

BUCS Big Wednesday to return to Nottingham for the next two years

British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) Big Wednesday – the pinnacle of the UK university sporting […]

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Black History Month – share your recommended reads

October is Black History Month and Libraries are celebrating with a list of recommended reads suggested […]

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Getting research data in order for the new academic year

Digital Research and Libraries have a number of resources to help you keep your research planning […]

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Vice-Chancellor’s Medal 2019

The exceptional achievements and service of staff and students have been recognised with the annual award […]

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Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Andy Long awarded Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowship

The University of Nottingham’s Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC) Professor Andy Long has been awarded a […]

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Celebrate Black History Month 2019

Black History Month has been celebrated in the UK for more than 30 years. It acknowledges […]

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LGBTQ+ rainbow lanyards available for all staff

In her latest Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Blog, Professor Sarah Sharples invites colleagues to explain […]

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Potential congestion and temporary Road Closures – Robin Hood Marathon Sunday 29th September

The annual Robin Hood Marathon is taking place in Nottingham on Sunday 29 September and will […]

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International Open Access Week

International Open Access Week is an annual, global event to celebrate the benefits of making access […]

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Brexit: Global and Political Affairs Unit briefing

In a unanimous judgment yesterday, the UK Supreme Court concluded that the Prime Minister’s advice to […]

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