Posts categorised as ‘News’

UoN researcher wins U21 3MT global online competition

Congratulations to Diret Bitrus Tang’an from the university’s Faculty of Engineering for being awarded the 2023 […]

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Information security awareness training: January 2024

To help us all to protect the data we handle, we are continuing our compulsory Data […]

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Knowledge Exchange Hub – training programme 2024

Are you interested in enhancing your research prospects and outputs? Would you like to solve industrial, […]

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EndoConnect public lecture

Endometriosis is a condition impacting more than 1 in 10 women but often poorly understood, undiagnosed […]

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The 2024 National Student Survey Launches

The National Student Survey (NSS) is now open, and we want students to take part. This […]

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Race Equality in Practice: A case study in decolonising the public health curriculum

In 2021, a team of ten postgraduate public health and global health students led a full […]

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Free university will writing service

The university is delighted to be able to offer a free will writing service, with our […]

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Teaching and Learning Conference 2024: keynote confirmed and submission reminder (Friday 16 February)

There is under one month to go until the submission deadline (Friday 16 February 2024) for […]

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Help shape this year’s Research Culture Conference

Join our dynamic steering group in shaping the 2024 Research Culture Conference. Be a key influencer […]

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University Volunteer Awards 2024 – submit your nomination

The university’s annual Volunteer Awards – run by the Campaign and Alumni Relations Office (CARO) – […]

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