Posts categorised as ‘News’

Free online lunchtime Mandarin lessons

Nottingham Confucius Institute is offering a free six-week course covering basic Mandarin language and popular aspects […]

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Vice-Chancellor’s blog: COVID-19 – from a parent’s perspective

In this week’s Vice-Chancellor’s blog, Professor Shearer West reflects on campus COVID-security arrangements and supporting our […]

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Staff nominations to join Executive Board sub-committees

Would you like the opportunity to contribute to decision making within the university? Would you enjoy […]

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Chancellor’s blog: Black History Month

In recognition of Black History Month, we are delighted that our University Chancellor, Baroness Lola Young, […]

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New opportunities to develop leadership practice

The Leadership and Management Academy’s Spotlight On…sessions are back and now available for booking. These events […]

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COVID-19 discrimination research survey

A new survey has launched hoping to gather views from staff who have experienced any COVID-19-related […]

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Nottingham emeritus professor among ‘phenomenal women’ in portrait exhibition

A University of Nottingham emeritus professor is among 40 phenomenal women being celebrated in the first […]

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month at the Nottingham Breast Cancer Research Centre

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month – with organisations across the UK highlighting the vital work taking place […]

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Global partnership provides solution to international travel challenge

Chinese students unable to travel to America to begin or continue their studies have been given […]

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New campaign launched to keep students safe in the CommUnity

A new social-media campaign has been launched reminding students who are living off-campus to act responsibly […]

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