Posts categorised as ‘News’

Diversity Festival 2021: catch up if you missed out

During March, the university held its first ever virtual diversity festival Our first ever virtual diversity […]

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Telling the story of NTU’s Peregrine Falcons – Monday 26 April

Peregrine Falcons have been nesting on the ledge of NTU’s Newton Building for nearly 20 years. […]

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Lord Dearing Award winners 2021

The winners of the Lord Dearing Awards have been announced for 2021. The Lord Dearing Award […]

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Appraisal and Development Conversations (ADC) Update

Further to the ADC timetable for 2020/2021 being published in Campus News, e-learning Appraiser and Appraisee […]

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Extended opening hours in libraries

Libraries have extended the opening times of six libraries to 2am (Sunday – Thursday) for the […]

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Connected We Thrive: new programme of alumni activities

Working together with alumni, the university has built a great new programme of activities to help […]

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USS 2020 Valuation: Staff Survey

Universities UK (UUK) has launched a consultation with university employers on the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS), seeking […]

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Campus Stars: University Counselling Service

The University of Nottingham Counselling Service is a team of administrators and fully qualified professionally accredited […]

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Campus Stars: Testing Service

The Testing team have worked tirelessly since April 2020 to build the University’s Covid-19 Testing Service. The team […]

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Campus Stars: Libraries

The Customer Services Team within the Libraries department has libraries on University Park, Jubilee Campus and […]

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