Posts categorised as ‘News’

Forum for Global Challenges: call for contributions

The Forum for Global Challenges are seeking proposals for contributions from areas including business, academia, the […]

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Resources to support student wellbeing

Staff are being encouraged to familiarise themselves with a number of support resources and services that […]

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Programme Director appointed to Digital Nottingham

A Programme Director has been appointed to Digital Nottingham. Susannah Goh will take up the role […]

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Safe cycling during the winter months

The annual ‘Brighten Up’ campaign aims to promote safe cycling during the darker months. The clocks […]

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Willoughby Hall essential fire safety works

The university carries out regular checks on all of our buildings, including halls of residence, to […]

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New director for University of Nottingham Online

Dr Nick Mount has been appointed the new Academic Director for University of Nottingham Online (UoNO). […]

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Our message of hope at COP26: research can truly change the world

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner COP26, the United Nations Climate Conference, opens in Glasgow on […]

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Internal Coach Pool now recruiting: deadline extended

The Leadership and Management Academy is delighted to announce that it is expanding its Internal Coach […]

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Spiking – supporting our students

Colleagues across the University will be aware of increased reports of ‘spiking’ attacks in cities across […]

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Herschel Programme for Women in Technical Leadership

Within higher education and research settings there are only 32% of women in technician management and […]

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