Posts categorised as ‘News’

University of Nottingham Online presentations

Sarah O’Hara, University of Nottingham Online CEO, and Nick Mount, Academic Director, would like to thank […]

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USS pension – response to UCU industrial action ballot

Vice-Chancellor Professor Shearer West has today written on behalf of UEB to the University’s branch of […]

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Act of Remembrance, Thursday 11 November 2021

Staff and students across the university are invited to participate in the Act of Remembrance by […]

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Web domain clean-up and renewal deadline

The External Relations Digital (Web) team are seeking assistance in identifying the business owners of web […]

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Choosing your pension investment to tackle climate change

COP26 is underway. The gathering of global leaders and citizens in Glasgow is highlighting the fact […]

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Sphere Programme Board – call for EDI pilot projects 21-22

The opportunity to apply for Sphere funding for 2021-22 is now available. The funding supports a […]

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Call for Nominations: the Institute of Policy and Engagement Awards

The annual Nottingham Engaged conference is taking place on Wednesday 2 February 2022, from 1pm-5pm under […]

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Tram network strikes this Saturday (6 November)

There will likely be no tram service across Nottingham on Saturday 6 November due to strike […]

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Twelve to sixteen-year-olds needed for Covid-19 booster vaccine study

The university’s Health Service, at Cripps Medical Centre on University Park, is recruiting for a study […]

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Leading stroke expert receives international award

A world-leading expert in stroke medicine from the University of Nottingham has received a highly coveted […]

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