Car parking update 2016/17

June 20th, 2016

Following the completion of the tram works through University Boulevard in 2015 access to University Park has been largely unaffected by further roadworks since September. As the works have completed we have taken back car parking provision at both Science Road and the Medical School which has relieved pressure on car parking.

The University’s Car Parking Review Group reported to the University Executive Board in May, noting the following for 2015/16:

  • A significant reduction (40%) in parking charge notices issued.
  • The late start reserved parking areas on our campuses were considered appropriate for demand and working well.
  • Provision for the charging of electric vehicles has been introduced on all campuses and available for staff use.
  • The number of permits issued continues to reduce with positive trends of increased use of cycling and public transport.
  • No noticeable impact, yet, of the tram on the parking permit numbers to date but it will continue to be monitored.

As part of the review the Group consider representation from staff and made the following recommendations to the Executive Board, which has subsequently been endorsed. These changes reflect the objective of supporting sustainable travel, family-friendly policies and being equitable across staff groups.

  • Staff to be able to opt out of the full parking permit scheme, but with caveat that they cannot opt in until 12 months after.
  • Occasional user voucher cost to change from 35% to 30% of the cost of a full permit Associate scheme to be amended from fixed fee to a scale of charges based on emissions
  • No change to casual/agency worker charge or Pay & Display charges

The Executive Board agreed to the Group’s recommendation to increase all other car parking charges by 5% for 2016/17 to offset the increasing cost of the Workplace Parking Levy we are subject to. New charges will take effect from 1 September and 2016/17 permits can be applied for from 1 July.

For more information on the charges and the new permit application process visit the car parking webpages.

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June 22nd, 2016 at 4:43 pm

Dave Scott

What plans are there currently to further reduce the number of car parking places on the Sutton Bonington campus?

June 23rd, 2016 at 10:25 am

Mike Jennings

Hi Dave, thank you for your comment. There are currently no plans to reduce the number of parking spaces at Sutton Bonington, and the University recently increased the number of spaces by 75 to create an overflow facility in the Melton Lane Complex and Farm areas. If you have any more queries, the best point of contact would be the Parking Team:

June 27th, 2016 at 10:00 am


There are a large no. of maintenance / work contractors on campus:
i) Are the no. of parking spaces used by contractors v staff monitored? and is this information available?
ii)Do contractors pay for parking spaces / are they required to have parking permits?

June 29th, 2016 at 3:18 pm

Mike Jennings

Hi Denise, thank you for your comment. Contractor parking is strictly monitored by Security to ensure staff parking is not adversely affected. Compounds are approved by Estates Directorate, if necessary, with emphasis on avoiding the use of car parking spaces and preference being given to suitable grassed areas. Contractors currently pay £331 per year for an annual permit rising to £348 in September, or they use pay and display at £7.00 per day.

June 29th, 2016 at 2:22 pm

Ian Clifton

Surely any increase in car parking charges should not be any higher than pay rises especially as a lot of staff have had pay cuts or pay freezer’s.

June 29th, 2016 at 3:18 pm

Mike Jennings

Car Parking Charges are reviewed annually and income is used to offset the charges imposed by the City Council’s Workplace Parking Levy, which over the years has increased more in percentage terms than the car parking charges.

June 30th, 2016 at 4:49 pm

Pam Thompson

Would it be possible to publish the total cost of the visitor and permit income and then the cost of the work place parking levy.Past year and forecast year. This would help staff understand the need for the excessive increase in the permit price.

July 4th, 2016 at 9:50 am

Mike Jennings

The income from car parking charges is used to offset both the Workplace Parking Levy set by the local authority (Nottingham City Council) and other costs associated with the day-to-day management of the Car Parking Scheme. A Working Group meets annually to consider the total charge structure in determining the level of any increase in permit charges. The Working Group includes Union and HR representation alongside representatives of the University’s Environment Committee.

July 1st, 2016 at 2:51 pm


The late arrival car parking spaces are a great idea, and a great asset for those people who have such a limit on their time, e.g. people with elderly relatives they care for mornings/evenings, or those with young children needing dropping at school etc. For these people it’s a Godsend, and can literally be the difference between being able to work full time, in order to fit everything into a tight schedule.

These few parking spaces currently don’t seem to be policed very well, and/or people aren’t using them in the ‘spirit’ of what they’re intended for. I often drop my children at school, arrive at, or a minute or two before 9.15am, and all spaces are taken.

Are there more plans in the parking provision pipeline to help busy working people with caring responsibilities who literally cannot start work earlier, who then are at a disadvantage when they arrive as the parking is so difficult after approx 8.45? It does impact on the working day as well as family life.

July 4th, 2016 at 9:49 am

Mike Jennings

Security do carry out enforcement in relation to the abuse of the reserved late start spaces and parking charge notices have been issued, particularly in the Medical School car park where some recent abuse has been identified. If you do find that the spaces are being used before 9.15am please notify Security on 01159513557 Int: 13597 or email

July 2nd, 2016 at 2:55 pm

Svetlana Clark

Is there any arrangements to reduce the cost of the parking for staff on 38 week contract who don’t use parking from 20th June till 20th September. Thank you

July 5th, 2016 at 11:51 am

Mike Jennings

There are no plans to reduce the cost of parking for staff on 38 week contracts. The Scheme operates on a full permit or occasional user basis in accordance with the general principles of the Scheme. A full permit, regardless of working hours, is charged at the annual rate.

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