Car parking update 2015/16

June 9th, 2015

It has been noted that 2014/15 saw considerable disruption to both traffic flow and the availability of spaces as a consequence of tram works in the University Boulevard and Beeston areas. The return of parking spaces at the Medical School and on Science Road is now almost complete.

Through 2014/15 policy changes have supported those with caring responsibilities through the introduction of ‘late start’ reserved parking areas University Park (10), Medical School (3), Jubilee (3) and Sutton Bonington (3), with a time of 9.15am. The continued support for electric vehicles will see the roll out of further electric charge points in late 2015.

In April 2015, a review of car parking charges was undertaken and recommended increasing charges by 5%. This was considered and endorsed by the Executive Board in May. The increase recognises the commitment the University has to meeting the costs of the Workplace Parking Levy (WPL) which has increased over the last two years by 21.6%. New charges will take effect from 1 September and 15/16 permits can be applied for from 1 July.

For more information on the charges and the new permit application process visit the Estates website.

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June 24th, 2015 at 8:00 am

John Stockton

I notice that after a brief respite there is now a return to the parking of cars on double yellow lines all round the perimeter road around the medical school and QMC. There are cars parked on the cross hatched area outside the medical school, making it hazardous for cyclists with cars squeezing past between the parked cars and vans stopped for deliveries. There are cars parked on the corner near the A52 Bridge making it difficult to see vehicles approaching from under the bridge.

June 24th, 2015 at 8:15 am

Mike Jennings

Hi John,

Thank you for your comments – the best point of contact to raise this with would be the Estates Office. If you contact (ext 13600), the team should be able to feed back.

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